In 1970, Joe Thomas Case set his sights on providing industrial platforms and ladders for the vessel fabrication industry in Tuscaloosa, Alabama – and Case Steel Company was formed. As the company became more successful, more opportunities for structural steel work began to pop up. In December 1977, Joe was offered an opportunity he couldn’t resist: General Manager of Southeast Fabricators, Inc. In less than two years, he purchased the company and merged Case Steel Company to become the foundation of the company you see today. From 1979 to 1995, Joe grew the business from three employees to more than 25 and expanded facilities to more than 23,000 square feet. There are seven Cases on staff now, almost fifty full time employees and our facilities have grown to more than 60,000 square feet. We pride ourselves on the same foundational ideals that Joe set in motion almost fifty years ago – a dedication to recruit and retain top talent in the industry, an unwavering commitment to quality work at all phases of project management and execution, and investments in our techniques and technology that will lead the way to the next generation of innovation at Southeast Fabricators, Inc.